Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pizza Dough

Hello again followers!
I have come to share a fantastic pizza dough recipe with you--adapted from a dear, dear friend of my family, Cathy Rogers (who should have a blog of her own, but I'm glad she doesn't because her recipes are almost too good to share with others). Every time I am with her, we cook for hours on end. I kid you not, the woman in about 5"1 and weighs maybe 90 pounds because lord knows that woman doesn't eat any of the food she makes, which only means more for me! She thinks of things that no one would ever come up with in their lives! I remember this one time where she made her own freshly baked Krispie Kreme Donuts and then puréed it and put it in a small shot glass. It may not sound appealing, but it was like tasting a thick, hot and creamy shot of donut going down your throat...it was orgasmic.
Anywho, she is a big believe in adding a little bit of sweetness to almost everything she makes, which, I can't say is a bad thing, so here is her recipe:

Pizza Dough:
1 pkg. dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water
2 tbs agave nectar (my friends wanted to use honey, which is almost fine if you can't find any agave, however, the honey is a bit thicker, so you may want to add less)
1 ts salt
2 tbs olive oil
4 cups flour

Place 1/2 cup of the warm water in a bowl and sprinkle the yeast over it and allow it to stand until the yeast begins to bubble. *Note: you may need to give it a little stir for it to start bubbling, but not too vigriously. While you are waiting for it to bubble, in another smaller bowl, place the rest of the water, the sugar, the salt, and the olive oil together and once the yeast has finished bubbling, add this mixture into it. Put the flour into a large bowl and stir in the yeast mixture and stir!
Once it becomes like a dough consistency, take it out and knead away, and once you are able to really gather the perfect texture (about 5 minutes of kneading), roll it into a ball and place it in an oiled bowl and cover it was saran wrap and let it sit for about 2 hours.
And voila!

While you're waiting for it to rise, and it can rise quite a bit, you're gonna want to get out all of your ingredients that you're going to top it with and also preheat the oven to 500º.
When the dough looks like it is ready to come out over the top of the bowl, you'll want to take it out and either on tinfoil or parchment paper or a regular pizza oven stone, you'll need to stretch it out all along the edges until it is very thin.
(I had my friends doing some of the hard work)

Then top it!
Once you pop it in the oven, it takes about 10-15 minutes to cook and then it's ready and done and time to cut and eat!

Mozarella, Tomatoes, and Basil
Sundried Tomatoes, Chicken, Mango Habanero Sausage,
Mozarella, and Basil

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